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责任编辑:张宁《红周刊》特约作者 籍承《红周刊》:截至本周五,科创板受理队伍已扩容至84家,由于科创板上市后的前5个交易日不设涨跌幅限制,从目前市场关注的热度来看,首批上市的科创板企业上市首日的平均涨幅超过200%是大有可能的,但随着时间的推移,市场终归要回归理性,如不能理性对科创板估值,极有可能会遭受较大的损失,本周来继续聊聊科创板的估值话题。

During a recent DoubleLine event in New York, both Gundlach and Quill intelligence founder Danielle DiMartino Booth sat down for a talk moderated by Jeff Sherman, deputy CIO at Gundlach‘s firm. The 90-minute discussion involved Gundlach’s warnings about the true magnitude of America‘s unfunded liabilities, the prospect for a permanently wider deficit and the possibility that this could create serious problems for the American economy in the not-too-distant future, the risks inherent in the corporate bond market, the ’brainwashing‘ of Jerome Powell, the student-loan crisis, the prospects for an uptick in the MOVE index, and many other topics.


“2016年初选开始前,我就预测唐纳德·特朗普会赢……但我也说过唐纳德·特朗普喜欢债务,我想他从来没有偿还过债务。他已经破产了,所以你可以肯定他会扩大赤字。”“When I predicted before the primary started in 2016 at Donald Trump was gonna win...But I also said that Donald Trump loves debt and he’s never paid back debt, I think, ever. And he‘s gone bankrupt…so you can bet dollars to doughnuts that he’ll expand the deficit.”


本报讯 记者李国辉报道 8月28日下午,中国人民银行行长易纲在东亚及太平洋中央银行行长会议组织(EMEAP)第24届行长会期间,会见了香港金融管理局总裁陈德霖,双方就粤港澳大湾区金融合作议题交换了意见。责任编辑:杨希 1904183207作者:刘雪妍
